ABS txaj txaj rooj nrog tuab vaj huam sib luag


ABS txaj txaj rooj nrog tuab vaj huam sib luag

ABS txaj txaj txaj nrog tuab vaj huam sib luag:

Specification: 470x480x750mm

Stainless hlau nightstand grey xim:

Specification: 460x400x750mm

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe



ABS txaj txaj rooj nrog tuab vaj huam sib luag

Specification: 470x480x750mm
Lub rooj txaj txaj yog ua los ntawm tag nrho cov ABS engineering yas, nrog rau zoo nkauj tsos thiab xiav, grey thiab ntsuab xim.
Lub thickness ntawm lub vaj huam sib luag yog ≥4.0 hli, lub thickness ntawm sab thiab nraub qaum panels yog ≥2.8 hli, thiab seem thickness yog ≥2.0 hli.
ntawm no yog ib lub tub rau khoom rau sab saum toj kom yooj yim khaws cov khoom.Lub tub rau khoom yog ua los ntawm high-strength peb-section ntsiag to swb
Rail, du thawb thiab rub, ntsiag to thiab tsis muaj suab nrov;
yooj yim los ntxuav thiab tshuaj tua kab mob, tshuaj tua kab mob tua kab mob, tiv thaiv corrosion.Lub txaj txaj nrog cov phuam da dej thiab ob txhais tes ntawm ob sab
Lifting hooks, foldable, yooj yim siv;


Stainless hlau nightstand grey xim

Specification: 460x400x750mm
Ib lub tub rau khoom nrog lub rooj noj mov ntxiv rau sab hauv thiab ib lub qhov rooj rau kev khaws cia;
Lub tawb nqa khoom
Lub teeb, ruaj, npauj pov thawj, rov ua dua, ib puag ncig tus phooj ywg

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